The Modrn Sanctuary Color Therapy Experience

Experience the power of color

Experience the power of colors and the subconscious mind.
When you change the way you see the world, you can change the way you experience it.

The Modrn Sanctuary Color Therapy Experience was created with the idea that color can be used as a therapy to help shift our moods and enhance our lives. Additionally, color can be an insight into how we are feeling and what we need to feel better. Modrn has curated this experience by combining color therapy glasses* and guided visualizations to help users experience the healing power of colors.

* Glasses are not required to experience the guided visualizations from home.

Red is associated with vitality, strength, courage, and passion. It is believed to stimulate the body and mind, increase energy levels, and enhance motivation.



Orange is linked to creativity, enthusiasm, and optimism. It is thought to have an uplifting and rejuvenating effect, stimulate mental activity, and promote social interaction.


Yellow is associated with happiness, intellect, and clarity. It is believed to promote mental alertness, improve memory and concentration, and increase confidence.

Green is linked to balance, harmony, and healing. It is thought to have a calming and soothing effect, promote relaxation, and restore emotional well-being.


Aqua is believed to promote emotional healing, clear communication, intuition, relaxation, and balance. It can help soothe emotions, improve relationships, enhance intuition, reduce stress, and bring a sense of clarity and harmony.


Blue is associated with tranquility, communication, and spirituality. It is believed to have a calming and cooling effect, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation and sleep.


Violet is associated with spirituality, transformation, and inspiration. It is believed to have a purifying and balancing effect, promote inner peace and self-reflection, and stimulate creativity.


Pink is often associated with feelings of love, compassion, and nurturing. When used in therapy, it is believed to help reduce stress, anxiety, and anger while creating a sense of tranquility and harmony.


Meet the Voice Behind The Color Experience

Alexandra Janelli has been awarded the title of one of the best hypnotherapists and life coaches several years in a row. Having worked with Academy Award Nominee Actors, world-renowned photographers, singers, top-level executives, and professionals across many sectors of business, she has found her passion in the field of creating subconscious change. Alexandra has been featured in The New York Times, Elle Magazine, Oprah Magazine, Men's Fitness, Forbes, The New Yorker, and various other publications for her hypnotherapy practice and her various creative endeavors. Alexandra is also the founder of Modrn Sanctuary, wife, and mother to two beautiful children here in Philadelphia.

Alexandra currently hosts per private practice virtually and in Philadelphia, while now working to launch her hypnosis and self-help platform Burble.


Some ways to practice color therapy at home are as follows:

  1. Color Visualization: Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can relax. Close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by a specific color that you feel drawn to or that you believe will benefit you. Visualize this color enveloping your body, bringing you healing energy and balance. Spend a few minutes in this visualization, focusing on the sensations and emotions that arise.

  2. Color Meditation: Choose a specific color that you would like to work with. Sit in a quiet area, close your eyes, and take deep, slow breaths to relax your body and mind. As you breathe in, imagine yourself inhaling the chosen color, allowing it to fill your entire being. As you exhale, visualize any negative or stagnant energy leaving your body. Continue this meditation for a few minutes, focusing on the color and its positive effects.

  3. Color Bathing: Fill your bathtub with warm water and add a few drops of natural dye or bath salts in a color that corresponds to your desired effect. For example, blue for relaxation, yellow for energy, or pink for emotional healing. As you soak in the colored water, imagine it surrounding you and permeating your body with its healing properties. Relax and enjoy the soothing experience.

  4. Color in Your Environment: Surround yourself with colors that evoke specific emotions or effects. Use colored fabrics, pillows, artwork, or decorations to create a harmonious atmosphere. For example, use blue in your bedroom for tranquility, green in your office for focus and balance, or red in your workout area for energy and motivation.

  5. Color Clothing and Accessories: Choose your clothing and accessories intentionally based on the effects you desire. Wear colors that make you feel confident, calm, energized, or any other emotion you seek to cultivate. Experiment with different shades and observe how they affect your mood and well-being.

  6. Color in Food and Drinks: Incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet. Different colors in natural foods signify various nutrients and benefits. For example, blueberries and purple cabbage contain antioxidants, while orange carrots provide vitamin A. Eating a rainbow of colors ensures a diverse range of nutrients and promotes overall well-being.

  7. Colorful Light Therapy: Invest in colored light bulbs or lamps that allow you to adjust the color and intensity. Experiment with different colors and create specific moods in different areas of your home. Blue light can promote focus and calmness, while warm orange light can induce relaxation and warmth.

  8. Choose Crystals: Select crystals that correspond to the colors you wish to work with or the specific healing properties you desire. For example, amethyst is often associated with purple and promotes calmness and spiritual growth, while citrine corresponds to yellow and enhances energy and abundance. Research different crystals and their associations with colors to find ones that resonate with you.